Nvim-R 단축키
16 Sep 2018
Nvim-R의 shortcut
- ubuntu bionic-beaver 18.04 기준
Nvim-R 설치 후 R 파일을 open 해보자.
R 파일에 간단한 내용을 작성해보자.
ggplot(data = cars, aes(x = speed, y = dist)) + geom_line()
’\‘를 누른 상태에서 rf를 누르면 R 프롬프트 창이 켜진다.
그 상태에서 \pp를 누르면 파일이 실행된다.
Nvim-R 적용 화면
다음은 Nvim-R 문서에서 설명하는 단축키이다.
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. Start R (default) |
\rf |
. Start R (custom) |
\rc |
. Close R (no save) |
\rq |
. Stop R |
:RStop |
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. File |
\aa |
. File (echo) |
\ae |
. File (open .Rout) |
\ao |
. Block (cur) |
\bb |
. Block (cur, echo) |
\be |
. Block (cur, down) |
\bd |
. Block (cur, echo and down) |
\ba |
. Chunk (cur) |
\cc |
. Chunk (cur, echo) |
\ce |
. Chunk (cur, down) |
\cd |
. Chunk (cur, echo and down) |
\ca |
. Chunk (from first to here) |
\ch |
. Function (cur) |
\ff |
. Function (cur, echo) |
\fe |
. Function (cur and down) |
\fd |
. Function (cur, echo and down) |
\fa |
. Selection |
\ss |
. Selection (echo) |
\se |
. Selection (and down) |
\sd |
. Selection (echo and down) |
\sa |
. Selection (evaluate and insert output in new tab) |
\so |
. Paragraph |
\pp |
. Paragraph (echo) |
\pe |
. Paragraph (and down) |
\pd |
. Paragraph (echo and down) |
\pa |
. Line |
\l |
. Line (and down) |
\d |
. Line (and new one) |
\q |
. Left part of line (cur) |
\r |
. Right part of line (cur) |
\r |
. Line (evaluate and insert the output as comment) |
\o |
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. List space |
\rl |
. Clear console |
\rr |
. Remove objects and clear console |
\rm |
. Print (cur) |
\rp |
. Names (cur) |
\rn |
. Structure (cur) |
\rt |
. View data.frame (cur) |
\rv |
. Run dput(cur) and show output in new tab |
\td |
. Run print(cur) and show output in new tab |
\tp |
. Arguments (cur) |
\ra |
. Example (cur) |
\re |
. Help (cur) |
\rh |
. Summary (cur) |
\rs |
. Plot (cur) |
\rg |
. Plot and summary (cur) |
\rb |
. Set working directory (cur file path) |
\rd |
. Sweave (cur file) |
\sw |
. Sweave and PDF (cur file) |
\sp |
. Sweave, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) |
\sb |
. Knit (cur file) |
\kn |
. Knit, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) |
\kb |
. Knit and PDF (cur file) |
\kp |
. Knit and Beamer PDF (cur file) |
\kl |
. Knit and HTML (cur file, verbose) |
\kh |
. Knit and ODT (cur file) |
\ko |
. Knit and Word Document (cur file) |
\kw |
. Markdown render (cur file) |
\kr |
. Spin (cur file) (only .R) |
\ks |
. Open attachment of reference (Rmd, Rnoweb) |
\oa |
. Open PDF (cur file) |
\op |
. Search forward (SyncTeX) |
\gp |
. Go to LaTeX (SyncTeX) |
\gt |
. Build tags file (cur dir) |
:RBuildTags |
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. Insert “<-“ |
_ |
. Complete object name |
. Indent (line) |
== |
. Indent (selected lines) |
= |
. Indent (whole buffer) |
gg=G |
. Toggle comment (line, sel) |
\xx |
. Comment (line, sel) |
\xc |
. Uncomment (line, sel) |
\xu |
. Add/Align right comment (line, sel) |
\; |
. Go (next R chunk) |
\gn |
. Go (previous R chunk) |
\gN |
Object Browser
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. Open/Close |
\ro |
. Expand (all lists) |
\r= |
. Collapse (all lists) |
\r- |
. Toggle (cur) |
Enter |
Help (plugin)
Menu entry |
Default shortcut |
. Help (R) |
:Rhelp |